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2013年5月,负责运营的微软windows azure与office 365公有云服务成功在华落地,成为中国首家拥有国际一流技术水平的云计算服务提供商。2013年12月,世纪互联与ibm合作,将ibm顶级的云计算基础架构服务cms (cloud managed services)引入中国,开启中国企业享用高价值托管私有云服务的新篇章。2014年4月,世纪互联与unisys合作在中国携手推出unisys edge服务管理,在本地市场运营unisys基于云的it服务管理 (itsm) 凯发网站的解决方案。2014年5月16日,世纪互联在2014世界电信和信息社会日大会上首次提出“极宽带”的概念,旨在推动面向下一代互联网的基础网络发展,打造面向未来的微端宽带网络生态系统。

may 2013, responsible for the operation of the microsoft windows azure and office 365 public cloud services successful landing in china, has become china's first world-class technical level of the cloud service provider. december 2013, century internet cooperation with ibm, the ibm's top cloud infrastructure services cms (cloud managed services) into china, opening chinese enterprises enjoy high-value hosted private cloud services chapter. april 2014, the internet and unisys cooperate century in china jointly launched unisys edge services manager, in the local market operators unisys cloud-based it service management (itsm) solutions. may 16, 2014, century internet in the 2014 world telecommunication and information society day was first proposed meeting "very broadband" concept, aimed at promoting the development of next-generation internet-based network, to create future-oriented micro-end broadband network ecosystem .
